Nástroje na starostlivosť o starostlivosť o domáce zviera v dome

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Pravidelná starostlivosť pomáha, aby udržala pokožku vášho domáceho maznáčika, ako aj kabát zdravá, ako aj čistá, ako aj váš domáci miláčik, ktorý vyzerá čo najlepšie. Avšak, aby sa váš domáci miláčik vzal do domáceho maznáčika, môže byť pre vášho domáceho maznáčika drahá, časovo náročná a bežne stresujúca. Preto viac ľudí v súčasnosti prijíma prístup k starostlivosti o vlastného psa alebo mačky. Petmeds teraz prináša rad vysokokvalitných remeselníkov WAHL PET, ktoré vám uľahčujú, aby váš domáci miláčik vyzeral vynikajúco a zároveň sa vyhýbal stresujúcemu výletu do groomeru. Väčšina domácich miláčikov si užije čas aj záujem, ktorý spolu trávite počas relácie starostlivosti.

Existujú veľké ponuky rôznych možností, ktoré vyhovujú vášmu rozpočtovému plánu, ako aj konkrétne potreby starostlivosti o starostlivosti o domáceho maznáčika:

Zastričenie vlasov Wahl Pocket Pet Hair: Tento kompaktný výživník napájaný z batérie je vyrobený z kvalitných oceľových čepelí. Stačí si vybrať jednu z dvoch hrebeňových hrebeňov a spustite zastrihávač s kožušinou vášho domáceho maznáčika. Vďaka kompaktnej veľkosti je tento zastrihovač rýchlo prenosný.

Vlasa Wahl Dog Hair, ako aj Edger: Tento tenký nástroj na starostlivosť o batériu vám tiež umožňuje orezávať a hranúť kožušinu vášho domáceho maznáčika. Tento nástroj nepotrebuje doplnkové hrebene, pričom pre vás, ako aj domáceho maznáčika udržiava jednoduché, ako aj jednoduché.

Súprava na starostlivosť o domáce zvieratá WAHL: Táto celková súprava na starostlivosť obsahuje sedem farebných sprievodcov, vďaka ktorým je flexibilná pre každú sezónu, ako aj typ srsti. Sada obsahuje brožúru v smere, ako aj sprievodcu starostlivosťou, ktorý vám pomôže získať odborné výsledky doma.

Wahl Deluxe Grooming Clippers: Tieto elektrické zastrihovače tiež zahŕňajú sedem farebných príloh. Stačí si vybrať príslušnú hrebeňovú prílohu pre kožušinu vášho domáceho maznáčika, pripojte sa k Clipperovi a spustite Clipper s kožušinou vášho domáceho maznáčika.

Wahl Mini Pet Trimmer Kit: Tento nákladovo efektívny elektrický zastrihávač je menší na využitie s menšími domácimi miláčikmi a je ideálny pre tie ťažko dostupné oblasti, napríklad okolo očí. Zastrihávač obsahuje štyri rôzne veľkosti hrebeňov, ako aj výkonné čepele vám umožňujú rýchlo orezať domáceho maznáčika.

Wahl bezdrôtové strihanie vlasov pre domáce zvieratá: Tieto nabíjateľné bezdrôtové zastrihávače uľahčujú, aby ste svojho domáceho maznáčika vo vašom dome alebo vonku obsahovali, ako aj tri rôzne vodiace hrebene, ako aj sprievodcu starostlivosťou, ako aj usmerňovaciu knihu, aby ste dosiahli vynikajúce výsledky.

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Keď máte radi mačku

[frame src = ”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/my-gray-tabby-cat-scout.jpg” Target ” = “_ Self” width = ”687 ″ výška =” 382 ″ ALT = ”My Gray Tabby Cat Scout” ALILD = ”Center” PrettyPhoto = ”FALSE”]
Skaut je pre mňa veľmi zvláštny. Moja prvá mačka, ako aj prvý domáci miláčik, som išiel von a objal sa sám ako „dospelý“.

Nerobil som ho najmúdrejším spôsobom. Palm ho v podstate odovzdal, uviedol, že potrebuje domov. Posledný, ktorý ide v neplánovanom vrhu.

Pochopila, že by som jaskyňu.

Urobil som.

Takže Scout bol dar; Skaut bol zadarmo.

Toto je príbeh o tom, ako väčšina z nás skončí s mačkami. A milujeme ich rovnako.

Scout cestoval z bytu do bytu, posledných deväť rokov. Vždy je konzistentný, vždy blízko.

Stále živý v strednom veku. Standoffish pre ostatných, ale milujúci ma.

Môj kúsok kamarát.


Máte mačku? Aký je príbeh o tom, ako ste ho prijali?

Podpíšte toľko, ako dostávať ďalší obsah v mojom dvojtýždňovom bulletine:

Harley je furminovaný!

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Ahoj EveryBuddy! Vedeli ste, že piatok je Národný deň povedomia o vlasoch? Som Devon Rex Cat s kučeravou kožušinou a moja kožušina je dosť tenká, takže sa veľmi nevyhodím. Na druhej labke môj brat Harley rád opúšťa svoju ďalšiu kožušinu po celom dome. Myslím, že to robí z Harleyho vynikajúceho kandidáta na testovanie Furminator pre mačky. Koniec koncov, žiadna mačka nechce vlasové gule!

Aj keď sa sám nedostávam, stále som skontroloval, či nástroj vyzerá dobre. Páči sa mi pekná fialová farba! Vybrali sme si furminátor pre mačky s krátkymi vlasmi, ale je tu aj jedna pre mačky s dlhými vlasmi.

Harley skutočne potešil, že bol upravený s Furminatorom! Táto fotografia je dôkazom toho, že Harley Quinn sa môže vyriešiť (najmenej na pár minút.)

Potom sa otočil späť na Harleymaniac a pokúsil sa prinútiť nástroj na starostlivosť, aby sa vyčistil! To sa z neho veľmi zle. Veľa a veľa voľnej kožušiny vyšlo z Harley. Bolo to pre mňa veľmi úžasné, pretože som z toho musel vyrobiť novú parochňu!

Dávame Furminatorovi všetky štyri labky! Možno teraz Harley prestane šíriť jeho kožušinu po celom dome.

Aký nástroj na starostlivosť sa vám najviac páči?


Dog training goals 2015 – as well as why pet dog training is never total

My pet dog turns 9 this year, as well as yes, we still have training goals.

With this post, I want to achieve three things:

First, I want to show new pet dog owners that a pet dog is never completely “trained.” It’s an limitless work in progress, at least for me.

Second, I hope you’ll see that just since I compose about pet dog training, that doesn’t indicate my pet dog is perfect. far from it. as well as I’m not best either.

Third, I hope I motivate you to set your own pet dog training goals if you haven’t already. I’d like to hear what you’re working on this month. On Thursday I’ll be announcing a fun however motivational pet dog walking as well as training challenge, and I hope you’ll participate!

The complying with are the pet dog training goals I’ve set for myself.

I’ve been quite laid back over the last year or so with Ace. He’s getting older, so I tend to let things slide. who cares if he pulls? who cares if he sits as well as pleads while we eat? He’s old, I tell myself.

Because of that, he’s most likely not also behaved as he might be, which is OK, however that’s why I have goals.

My pet dog training goals – 2015

1. provide my pet dog off-leash time at least twice a week.

You may not believe this is a training goal, however it is.

When we resided in Fargo, N.D., I might just open our patio door as well as let Ace run around off leash for 10 or 20 minutes. We lived ideal on a City park, as well as we’d play there each day in addition to our leash walks. While my pet dog is on the low end as far as physical energy, I did not recognize exactly how crucial those off-leash play sessions were up until moving.

Here in San Diego, a week or two (or three!) can go by where I don’t provide Ace any type of off-leash time. since of this, Ace has a great deal of physical as well as emotional pent-up energy. He’s been whining a great deal lately, as well as I understand letting him run around for even five minutes a few times per week will make a big difference.

There are lots of locations where I can do this. It’s just a matter of making a point to do so. We online a mile from the pet dog beach for crying out loud.

2. neglect Ace’s whining.

Yep, this is associated to goal #1. My pet dog has absolutely been whining a great deal lately, as well as it’s annoying. He’s always been a bit of a whiner, as well as I understand it’s mainly since I provide him interest for whining. even if I scold him for it, he wags his tail like “Ha! Gotcha to look at me!”

My hubby Josh reports that Ace barely ever whines when I’m not around, as well as I believe it. often I requirement to take a few of my own recommendations – neglect your pet dog for whining!

My plan is to neglect any type of whining for 30 seconds or so, as well as if he doesn’t stop, just get up as well as step to one more space without reacting. Or, step Ace to one more space when necessary, like when he’s whining while we’re eating. Which he’s been doing lately. Oh, Ace! „

3. work on heeling a lot more seriously.

I utilized to be truly strict about heeling. Basically, if Ace was on a leash I expected him to heel.

I believe that’s a bit as well extreme now. It’s only fair to provide the pet dog some on-leash flexibility to sniff as well as check out as a reward for walking politely. Here’s my preferred publish I’ve written about mentor heel.

The issue is, I’ve been a bit as well kicked back with Ace, as well as he’s been pulling a great deal a lot more since of it. For example, he’ll unexpectedly dart across the walkway to sniff a random plant. And, he quite routinely tries to pull towards other dogs while making those ecstatic breathing as well as “choking” sounds.

Annoying, right?

My “solution” around other dogs has mainly been to hold Ace back, which is not mentor him anything. It’s really making the issue worse, since he most likely anticipates the tension in the leash, which encourages a lot more pulling. Sigh …

I’ll be composing a lot more about this on Thursday, however my goal is to work on heeling with Ace by bring treats, motivating him to pay interest to me, as well as stopping when he pulls forward.

Pretty basic, however all of us understand it’s much easier stated than done. I’m lucky, since my pet dog really understands what “heel” indicates (remain at my left side without pulling). It’s just a matter of enforcing it a bit better.

4. Make sure to release Ace from “stay” as well as “go to your bed.”

I taught my pet dog that “sit” indicates “sit as well as stay sitting up until I state OK.”

So, when we tell him to “go to your bed,” this likewise indicates “go do svojej postele a zostať tam hore, kým nebudem v poriadku. “

Problém je, že povieme Aceovi, aby šiel do jeho postele, rovnako ako potom nebudeme nič uviesť na pol hodiny, pretože na neho všeobecne zabudneme!

To nie je spravodlivé voči ese, ako aj voči tomu, že to pre neho bolo trochu stresujúce a mätúce. Je to tiež ešte jeden dôvod, prečo kňučí, pretože je to metóda, ktorá nám hovorí: „Hm, chlapci?“ Rovnako ako vtedy ho prepustíme, čo posilňuje kňučanie!

Viem, problémy prvého sveta, však?

Niektorí psi žijú vonku spojené s hlavňou, ako aj môj domáci pes kňučí, pretože nechápe, či môže opustiť svoju organickú posteľ pre psov. veľký zármutok. Čo som vytvoril? „

Takže to je všeobecne pre nás.

Dovoľte mi pochopiť, na čom budete pracovať tento mesiac, a dúfam, že sa ku mne pripojíte vo štvrtok, keď zložím oveľa viac o nadchádzajúcom chôdzi a výcvikovej výzve.

Aké sú vaše výcvikové ciele pre domáceho maznáčika?

Musíte tiež premýšľať o registrácii do môjho e -mailového bulletinu, kde zdieľam ďalšie informácie o tréningu, ako aj o bývaní so psami.

Maj pekný víkend!

– Lindsay

Interview: Marc Goldberg, author of ‘Let Dogs Be Dogs’

Note: “5 question Friday” is a new feature on that Mutt where I interview authors, trainers, veterinarians, bloggers and others who work with dogs. It’s a way to share different opinions and experiences. If you would like to be featured, please email Lindsay@ThatMutt.com.

Dog trainer Marc Goldberg is the author of the new book “Let Dogs Be Dogs: Canine Nature and Mastering the Art of Living with Your Dog.”

He co-authored the book with brother Christopher from the “Monks of new Skete.”

The “Monks of new Skete” have supported themselves for four decades by breeding and training dogs from their monastery in Cambridge, N.Y. The monks sold over 1.5 million copies of their past books including “The Art of raising A Puppy.”

Marc owns a canine training company in Chicago and is the former president of the international association of Canine Professionals, a group dedicated to the education and support of canine training professionals worldwide.

“Let Dogs Be Dogs” is available on Amazon in hardcover and for the Kindle. purchase here.

Here were my five questions for Marc:

Marc Goldberg and brother Christopher

That Mutt: What can people expect to learn from your new book?

Marc Goldberg: pack Leader is a term coined decades ago by the Monks of new Skete.

In the last few years it has become a popular way to describe how people ought to relate to their dogs. The big problem is that nobody has adequately defined how to be a good pack leader in a compassionate, sensible way.

In “Let Dogs Be Dogs,” we lay out a roadmap … a very extensive and comprehensive pathway to a pleased relationship with your dog.

You’ll learn what your canine really wants from you, why, and exactly how to offer it. In short, you’ll learn how to have the relationship of your dreams.

TM: What is something you believe in that other people think is crazy?

Marc: I believe dogs have souls. and I believe we will be reunited with our beloved companions on the other side.

In a real sense we are their guardians on earth. We are responsible for creating their physical and emotional well-being through good and kind leadership and suitable forms of love with the best balance of exercise and affection and authority.

But, once gone, I believe they wait for us to guide us and make us feel safe on the other side of life. So basically, I believe that one day I will go to the company of my loved ones and dogs.

TM: What does “Pack Leader” imply to you in canine training?

Marc: A good pack leader is very much like the most inspiring teacher you will remember from school.

The “inspiring teacher” was never the impatient or unpredictable one. In fact she or he set high standards for you yet believed in your potential to accomplish terrific things. She may not have gushed constant praise, but when you got a word of encouragement you took it to heart because it was deeply meaningful.

Similarly, a good pack leader meets all her dog’s physical and psychological needs while inspiring the canine to adhere to the guidelines of safety and good behavior. This actually grants the canine a terrific deal of physical liberty and freedom from emotional conflict.

A terrific pack Leader knows everything a canine wants and needs, and then trades those resources to the canine in return for the basic elements we humans need.

TM: Do your dogs sleep in your bed?

Marc: At night my dogs own the couch and I sleep with a cat who hogs the covers a lot less than my dogs.

TM: Is there anything you’d like to say to That Mutt’s readers?

Marc: Don’t believe the malarkey that being a pack Leader to your canine has anything to finish with trying to dominate or scare him. It has everything to finish with granting him the grace of liberty, safety in this confusing human world into which we have brought him and it also allows for the greatest level of relationship.

A canine who actually wants to please you – – and knows how to do it – – is a canine you can take all over with you. and after all, isn’t that what dogs really want?

Thank you, Marc!

If any of you have any questions for Marc, please leave them in the comments.

For much more from Marc Goldberg:

More about the book: letdogsbedogs.org

Marc’s training site: chicagodogtrainer.com

More about the monks: www.newskete.org

If you would like to be featured in an upcoming “5 question Friday” post, email Lindsay@ThatMutt.com

Súvisiace príspevky:

5 questions with author Laura Koerber

Is pack Leader a naughty word in canine training?

Common canine training guidance I’m happy I ignored

Putting in the work: anypsí môže byť dobrý pes

Bella ide do Silver Bay Kennel Club Pet Pet Dog Show

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Minulý víkend bol výstava psie psie psie psie psami v San Diegu a ja som musel ísť – oh, nie ako psík show v ringu, ktorý súťažil o body a veľké a špeciality, a ja stále nepoznám relevantnosť zo všetkých rôznych farieb stuh. Išiel som ako domáci domáci miláčik, aby sa ľudia stretli v momente a osobne a spoznali niečo o Pomeranianom. Je to zvláštny čas pre mňa a mamičku, pretože sme to len my dvaja a my ideme do Pommobilu.

Pesové predstavenia sú otvorené pre verejnosť a ak ste to nevedeli, rôzne kluby plemena často sponzorujú stánok „Zoznámte sa s plemenom“ na výstave, kde členovia klubu prinesú svoje osobné rodinné domáce zvieratá, aby mohli návštevníci prísť a môžu prísť Pozrite sa na psy so svojimi majiteľmi. Návštevníci sa vyzývajú, aby sa pýtali na psov a dozvedeli sa o rôznych plemenách.

Zoznámte sa s plemenom je moja veľa obľúbenej veci, ktorú mám robiť, a tam sa tiež hovorím o záchrane a povzbudzujem návštevníkov, ktorí premýšľajú o tom, že by pomie zvážili kontaktovanie jednej z mnohých plemien určitých záchranných organizácií alebo začali hľadať svoje hľadanie PetFinder.com. Zvyčajne sú k dispozícii aj letáky, takže si môžete vziať nejaké informácie domov. Tu som minulú sobotu v stánku Pomeranian Club s niektorými informačnými letákmi, ktoré sme mali pre ľudí:

Je to skvelé miesto, kde sa môžete dozvedieť oveľa viac o tom, či skutočne chcete Pomeraniana alebo nemeckého pastiera alebo pudla. Môžete klásť otázky týkajúce sa temperamentu, domácnosti, kompatibility alebo mnohých ďalších vecí, ako sú napríklad potreby starostlivosti o starostlivosť alebo zdravotné problémy, ktoré môžu mať vaše obľúbené plemená. Deti ma radi mazná a cítia, aké jemné je vrchol mojej hlavy, a mama im dáva malé kúsky dobrôt, aby ma nakŕmili (milujem túto časť). V ten deň ma potrebujem hladiť milión rôznych ľudí a môj obrázok som vyfotil viac. Mama to miluje, keď mi urobí aj jeden z profesionálnych fotografov s chladnou kamerou s bahno-bang, ako je tento:

Ďalšou zábavnou súčasťou chodenia na veľkých psích psích show sú všetci predajcovia, ktorí prichádzajú so všetkými svojimi úžasnými výrobkami ako veľký bazár. Existuje veľa vecí, ktoré treba vidieť, a vkus, a stále vidíme nové produkty. Mamička mi normálne dostane niečo, čo by som mal žuť, alebo nový outfit, keď ideme. Jazdím vo svojom ružovom pommie kočíku a kôre na všetko, čo sa pohybuje, a aj keď sa nepohybuje, stále na to štekám. Potom na konci dňa je čas vrátiť sa späť do Pommobilu a ísť nočne-nte a pripraviť sa na ďalší deň.


Pes prežije 150-stopovú pád počas Vianocového dňa

, len pripomienka toho, čo sa môže stať, keď sme so psami na chodníkoch.

Podľa správ KTVZ o strednom Oregone prežil 3-ročný pes menom Sandy 150 stôp padajúci z útesu v rokline Columbia.

Podľa KTVZ chodila s jej majiteľom Davidom Schelske. Záchranný tím z Oregon Humane Society bol poslaný na záchranu psa.


Dobrovoľník John Thoeni zrušil 150 stôp nad čírym útesom, aby lokalizoval psa, ktorý zázračne utrpel iba menšie zranenia. Pes bol uväznený na malej, neprístupnej rímse asi 70 stôp nad potokom.

Redge bola príliš malá na to, aby sa Thoeni vyliezla, a tak sa na vystrašeného psa namontoval na záchranu a títo dvaja boli zdvihnutí do bezpečia ostatní členovia záchranného tímu.

Sandy sa znovu stretla so svojím majiteľom a tím OHS sa vyrazil späť po chodníku s párom a prišiel na chodník okolo 23:30. Sandy bola schopná prejsť po stope po svojej vlastnej sile.

Som tak potešený, že Sandy skončil v poriadku. Je na obrázku vyššie so svojím majiteľom a nižšie je video. Celý príbeh tu.

Viem, že mnohí z vás budú tento týždeň na turistike so svojimi psami (budem tiež). Tento príbeh bol iba prípadom zlého (a dobrého!) Šťastia, ale stále slúži ako pripomienka, aby ste mali na pamäti bezpečnosť. Pred túžbou vždy vložte na svojho psa značky, noste telefón a povedzte niekomu, kam idete.

Mali ste niekto z vás nejaké blízke hovory pri turistike so svojimi psami?

Dúfam, že ste to tak neurobili, ale možno sa všetci môžeme niečo naučiť z vášho príbehu.

Foto a video od spoločnosti Oregon Humane Society.

Mutt kalendáre sa ukázali

12 odlišných muttov

Prišli kalendáre Mutt v roku 2014. Ak ste si predobjednali kalendár, bude zaslaný do 1. decembra.

Ak by ste si stále chceli kúpiť kalendár Mutt, je k dispozícii oveľa viac. Výdavky sú 14,99 dolárov plus preprava. 10 percent všetkých predajov bude prispievané do spoločnosti Nevada Humane Society.

Na blogu bude tiež oveľa viac kalendárnych darčekov na blogu, ako aj na Facebooku v najbližších týždňoch, takže zostaňte naladení.

Should You eat before Your Dog? Plato Pet treats Giveaway

[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Ace-with-Plato-Pet-Treats.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”348″ alt=”My dog Ace with Plato’s Pet Treats” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]
Note: That Mutt & Plato Pet treats have partnered to bring you this post.

Just leave a comment below to go into to win a Thanksgiving Feast for your dog from Plato. Kliknite tu.

I understand people get all bent out of shape over anything that suggests “pack theory” in dog training such as eating before your dog.

But I really did eat before my dog for rather a long time after I embraced him.

No, this rule wasn’t necessary, however you understand what it did? It assisted me preserve a consistent routine for my young, rowdy dog, which is what he needed most.

I don’t believe a dog will truly keep in mind (or care) who eats first. What really matters is that he learns to comply with whatever policies his household establishes as well as that he gets rewarded for it.

What policies do you set for your dog regarding mealtimes? let me understand in the comments.

Here are the two policies I set for my dog:

Rule #1: I provide my dog with some kind of “work” before he eats.

I prefer to feed my dog right after his morning as well as evening walks so he’s had to “work” for his food.

All dogs are working dogs at heart as well as mine is no exception. Ace thrives if he’s provided consistent expectations as well as challenges.

When he was younger as well as more energetic, his work was to go on a long run with me every morning. now that he’s older as well as our walks are shorter, I bring along a couple of treats as well as we utilize the time to method techniques or obedience commands.

I’ve been utilizing Plato’s Turkey as well as Cranberry EOS treats. I put 3 or 4 in my pocket, as well as I can either break them into bit pieces or provide them to my dog whole.

Rule #2: I don’t allow whining or begging while I eat.

I taught my dog to lie quietly on his dog bed during my meals. I don’t even care if he stares at me from across the room; I just don’t want him in my deal with or whining.

[quote_center]Sometimes I eat first. sometimes he eats first. It doesn’t truly matter …[/quote_center]

This teaches my dog self-control, regardless of who eats first. sometimes I eat first. sometimes he eats first. It doesn’t truly matter, however I can’t have him hovering as well as flinging drool everywhere. Gross.

How many of you are holding a Thanksgiving dinner or traveling somewhere with your dog this month?

If you requirement to keep your dog calm as well as peaceful during a holiday meal (or during any type of gathering), a great choice is to stuff some treats into a Kong or other toy.

The EOS from Plato Pet treats are soft, making them perfect for stuffing into any type of type of puzzle toy.

I keep in mind one year we had my husband’s mom visiting for Thanksgiving as well as Ace would NOT stop whining during our meal! (Tak otravné.)

The EOS would’ve assisted our young dog settle down that year. as well as now that we’re contemplating getting a 2nd dog, assumption what will are available in helpful for keeping a child occupied?

More information on the EOS treats from Plato Pet Treats

Leave a comment below to go into our giveaway!

Your dog will like the EOS treats any time of year, however they’d be particularly adorable to have around during the holidays since they are available in three joyful varieties:


Turkey & pumpkin

Turkey & wonderful potato

Turkey & cranberry


The EOS are made with a single protein (turkey), as well as since of the restricted components they are great for dogs with skin issues, allergies or food sensitivities.

The treats are grain free, gluten free as well as do not include added sugars, by-products, man-made preservatives or man-made colors.

Plato Pet treats are made in California with natural ingredients. right here is a excellent video that provides more information on the company. Well done.

Where to buy Plato Pet Treats

If you would like to buy Plato’s EOS treats for your dog, you can buy a 12-ounce bag on Amazon. buy here.

The treats are likewise offered at different retail locations. browse for a store near you.

Click right here to order.
Giveaway – Win a free prize pack of treats from Plato Pet Treats

Plato Pet treats is providing away a Thanksgiving Feast to three lucky visitors of That Mutt!

*Congrats to Amy A., Wehaf & Kimberly G.

The winners will each get a big (12-ounce) bag of the EOS in each range- Turecko a tekvica, Turecko a brusnic, ako aj morčacie a nádherné zemiaky. Maloobchodná hodnota je 45 dolárov pre všetky tri.

Ak chcete vstúpiť, jednoducho zanechajte komentár nižšie, aby som pochopil, že vaše šteniatko má záujem! Aké pravidlá by zaobchádzali s tým, že by sa vášmu psovi učili?

Vo štvrtok 19. novembra si vyberiem náhodne troch víťazov. Musím mať na zadanie adresu v USA.

Chceli by vaše šteňa vyskúšať Platónovo EOS Lats?

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Podpíšte rovnako ako nápady na školenie a ďalšie v mojom pravidelnom bulletine:

*Toto publikovanie pozostáva z pridružených odkazov.

How to start a canine walking company [2021]

I really want to help you learn how to start a canine walking company and come up with a canine walking company plan this month!

I quit my job at a newspaper in 2008 to start a canine walking business, and I haven’t looked back.

This short article applies to anybody interested in starting a canine walking company or pet sitting business. It’s LONG, so feel totally free to click on any topics below to jump ahead:

Jump ahead to:

How to start a canine walking company – 15 tips:

1. identify your canine walking rates.

What to charge for canine walking – 3 elements to consider

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional canine walker?

What are other canine walkers in your area charging?

2. Don’t go without canine walking insurance.

Reasons you need insurance if you are a canine walker:

What’s covered by canine walking insurance

What is not covered by canine walking insurance

3. purchase my canine walking ebook.

4. Do I need to advertise my canine walking business?

Reach out to existing canine walkers.

How do I get much more canine walking clients?

Post fliers, cards or brochures at every vet’s office in town.

Attend local canine events as a vendor.

Post about your company on Craigslist

Word of mouth

Show up in online searches

5. invest in your canine walking website.

6. new client questionnaire for your canine walking business.

7. Liability forms for your canine walking business.

8. Do I need a license to start a canine walking business?

9. Taxes for your canine walking business.

10. start walking shelter dogs.

11. company cards and logo for your canine walking business.

12. apps to help you run your new canine walking and Pet sitting Business

13. get Google reviews for your canine walking or Pet sitting Business.

14. offer numerous services, and be creative. This is your canine walking business.

15. consider providing a canine running service.

Three benefit canine walking company tips!

Can a 10 year old start a canine walking business?

How numerous dogs can you legally walk?

What are some risks of a canine walking business?

How much ought to I charge to feed a dog?

How to start a canine walking company – 15 tips:

1. identify your canine walking rates.

Is a canine walking company profitable? Áno! There are numerous elements to consider such as whether you’re walking the dog as a favor for a pal or if you’re interested in canine walking as a full-time business.

You ought to charge at least $20 for a half-hour dog walk. That’s my short answer.

What to charge for canine walking – 3 elements to consider

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional?
What are other canine walkers in your area charging?
What kind of services do you offer?

Otis, Dre, Eddie and me!

Is this a one-time thing or are you a professional canine walker?
If you’re just walking the canine for a friend, then maybe you don’t mind doing so for totally free here and there or for a case of beer or whatever it might be.

If you are wishing to become a professional canine walker, then charge accordingly and charge at least $20 for a half-hour walk.

How much ought to you charge for a canine walking business?

Consider these factors:

The time it takes to drive to and from your home to the dog’s home. A “half-hour walk” could really take an hour when you element in driving time.
You get what you pay for, and you’re providing a premium service. anybody who wants to pay $5 can hire the neighbor kid.
You carry insurance.

What are other canine walkers in your area charging?
Search for other canine walkers in your area and charge something similar to their average prices. I would not charge less just to get the extra company or because you are “inexperienced.” I would charge something similar.

What ought to I charge for a 60-minute canine walk?

To give you an idea, when I was a canine walker north of San Diego, I charged:

$25 for a half-hour walk

$33 for an hour walk

Dupont and Chevy

My rates were pretty average or slightly above average for my area, and I provided a dog running service where I ran with dogs for the same price, which few others offered.

Dog walkers in other cities are able to charge as much as $50 for a 60-minute walk. On the other hand, there are students all over charging just $10 per walk.

Other elements to consider

Will you be walking multiple dogs at once from different families? (I don’t)
How about multiple dogs from the same family? You could charge a little extra for each additional dog.
Will you be providing pet sitting check outs where you stop by multiple times per day or even stay overnight with the pets?

People don’t choose canine walkers based on rates

Trust me, many people don’t choose a canine walker based on rates. If the price is a concern, they hire a neighbor kid or ask a pal to walk the dog.

Those who look for a professional canine walker choose the canine walker based off:

Recommendations from friends
Online reviews on Google and Facebook
Whoever has the nicest looking web site and shows up first in Google searches.

People don’t hire the canine walker with the most affordable rates. They’re prepared to pay much more to get the better service because they’re giving you a essential to their home and trusting you with their animals and more.

*Enjoying this article? get reasonable canine walking company suggestions emailed once a week. Kliknite tu

2. Don’t go without canine walking insurance.

Dog walkers and pet sitters need insurance.

Reasons you need insurance if you are a canine walker:

Protect yourself financially

Accidents happen. mistakes happen. typically these accidents are no big deal, but you want to be covered in case something much more major occurs. Dogs are dogs. They bite. and break shit. and get hurt.

Dog walking company insurance is affordable

Worth the price for peace of mind if nothing else. Pet sitting is stressful enough as it is! You can’t control everything, but at least if you carry insurance you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to do IF something bad happens.

All companies need insurance

A professional company owner carries liability insurance. Not only is this for your own protection, but it gives your customers some peace of mind too. Plus, it sets you ahead of the pet sitters who risk it and go without insurance (yikes!).

What’s covered by canine walking insurance

Obviously you would want to check with your particular policy but here are a few examples of when you might choose to file an insurance claim:

(These first two are real examples that happened to me!)

The canine you’re walking gets a foxtail (barbed grass) stuck up his nose somehow and needs to be sedated to have it removed.
The canine you’re walking gets his leash caught around the client’s solar lights and breaks the lights. Sigh …

Remy and me!

Other potential scenarios:

You lose a client’s essential and because of this she needs to replace all her locks for safety.
A puppy you’re walking slips out of his poorly fit collar and gets hit by a car.
A canine you’re walking bites another leashed dog.
One of the dogs you’re walking nips a child who comes running around a blind corner.
A puppy in your care swallows a toothpick (or a rock/toy/bone) and has to have it surgically removed.

What is not covered by canine walking insurance

No matter which company you choose to go with, make sure you understand what is and isn’t covered.

Typically, injuries to YOU (the pet sitter) would not be covered. The same goes for injuries to YOUR own pets. Anything that happens under the responsibility of your employees/contractors would also not be covered unless you specifically add them to your policy.

3. purchase my canine walking ebook.


My ebook on how to start a canine walking company is the best resource available on starting your own business.

The ebook is available for $17 and includes comprehensive information about how to successfully acquire clients fast, market your company and get everything squared away.

I also offer packages that include my canine walking company forms here. No matter what your vision is, I’d love to help you be successful with your company and come up with a canine walking company plan.

4. Do I need to advertise my canine walking business?

Yes, but it might not be the conventional advertising you’re thinking of. here are some ideas:

Reach out to existing canine walkers.

When I lived in North Dakota, I was the recognized pet sitter in my town, and all the newbies reached out to me for advice. I didn’t mind this at all. I had all the company I wanted, so it was good to have other reputable canine walkers I could recommend.

Later, after moving to San Diego, I was the new pet sitter and canine walker in town. It’s not easy to reach out to your “competition” and ask for help, but it’s well worth it.

I sent an email to one of the local pet sitters, introduced myself and invited her out for coffee. This was the best thing I could’ve done for my new business!

This pet sitter was pleased to help me out, and she and I maintain a terrific relationship, always checking in and referring clients back and forth.

Don’t be scared to reach out. If another pet sitter or canine walker is “threatened” by you, then it’s probably because he or she is not a very good canine walker.

When you get together, you’ll probably learn that the other canine walker doesn’t want much more clients in a certain area or maybe she is booked solid on Wednesdays or maybe she doesn’t want to walk extra strong leash-pullers or whatever to by mohlo byť.

These clients might be ideal for you! In many cases, there’s probably a way you can work together as far as recommending certain types of clients to each other. and if not, that’s OK. At least you have a new contact for the future.

There are plenty of clients for everyone!

How do I get much more canine walking clients?

Post fliers, cards or brochures at every vet’s office in town.

Just walk in, introduce yourself and ask if you can drop off company cards, brochures or leave a flier. I recommend you check out every vet office within 10 miles or so.

I’ve gotten lots much more company through veterinarians than I have groomers, trainers, pet-supplies stores, etc. but you can try any sort of pet-related company or service, including shelters. I hung fliers at the canine park and at a few companies like our canine training club.

Attend local canine events as a vendor.

When I first started my canine walking business, I didn’t put myself out there enough. Well, if you want to grow your company quickly, you just need to get out there and get involved in the community.

One way to do that is to attend a couple of local canine events. It’s worth it to attend a few of these as a vendor, and set up a table or “booth” where people can stop by and get information about your services.

Sure, these events are a lot of work and not very fun if you’re an introvert like me. But, if you attend a few the first year, you’ll never have to do so again (unless you want to!).

I recommend printing out a premium sign with your logo and web site and handing out something totally free to people like treat bags, bandannas, stickers, etc. and of course, company cards.

Post about your company on Craigslist

Don’t overthink this, but it’s worth spending a few minutes to post about your company once or twice on Craigslist. try the animals section and the community section.

My Craigslist messages were very easy and redirected people to my web site. I had a lot of success through Craigslist without spending any money.

Word of mouth

In a customized company like canine walking, word of mouth is the most important marketing technique.

I’m talking about true face-to-face conversations where one of your customers recommends your company to one of her friends, neighbors or co-workers. If this person really needs a canine walker, she is practically guaranteed to hire you over someone else based on her friend’s recommendation.

Of course, for word of mouth to work you need to really be awesome. Don’t track mud through the client’s home, for example. Instead, take your shoes off at the door when appropriate. Leave personal notes and cards. Leave treats. stay in touch with your clients without being too annoying.

If one person thinks you’re the greatest, she will tell others. This will give you confidence, and at least you will be getting paid for something you love. starting out small will give you a sense of whether or not this is something you really want to do.

I found a couple people in my house complex who were in need of a canine walker. These neighbors of mine worked 12-hour shifts and were leaving their dogs home without a restroom break. When they saw my fliers, they were thrilled I could walk their dogs for them. I didn’t even have to quit my job. in some cases I walked these dogs on my days off. in some cases it was before work, and in some cases it was on my break.

*Enjoying this article? get reasonable canine walking company tips